Apple Ball Cocktail
You’ll Need:
Cut tops from stem end of
8 choice apples. Remove inside of apples with a
French ball cutter, putting balls in
2 cups cold water with
Juice of 1 lemon. Reserve tops of apples, cores, and small pieces for apple sauce. Put
Apple shells in
1 quart cold water to which is added
1 teaspoon salt. Remove skins and seeds from
Procedures : To prepare this Apple Ball Cocktail Recipe, first 1/4 lb. (1 cup) white grapes. Just before serving drain apple shells. Remove apple balls from the water.
Drain and mix with the
White grapes and with
1/3 cup maraschino cherries and fill apple shells. Mix
3 tablespoons syrup from maraschino cherries with
Juice of 1/2 orange and put over the apple balls. Serve apple shells in individual dishes or cocktail glasses surrounded with
Crushed Ice.
Apple may be removed in small oval shapes with a coffee spoon, if a French ball cutter is not available. Grapes may be bought in cans if fresh grapes are not in market